Starthur wanted to share with you a worksheet to help practice division. The file with the worksheet (and its solution) is free to download and you can also share it with your friends.
Sea Turtles
I’m so fascinated by animals! Today I wanted to talk about Sea Turtles – some of the most ancient creatures on Earth that have been swimming in the world’s oceans for over 100 million years.
Starting Point Worksheet #08 – Divisibility by 3
Starthur wanted to share with you a worksheet to help practice division. The file with the worksheet (and its solution) is free to download and you can also share it with your friends.
Report #018 – Mount Everest
This week Scott the Dot is quite literally on top of the world!
Days of the week: Saturday
Have you ever wondered why the days of the week have the names they do? Each day of the week is named after a different god or goddess from ancient mythology or religion. Today let’s talk about Saturday!
Solar System – Saturn
Have you ever wondered about our Solar system? Each part of it is fascinating in its own right. Today we’ll talk about the sixth planet from the sun, named after the Roman god of agriculture Saturn because of its association with the harvest season.
Have you ever found a seashell or a rock with a cool pattern in it? Did you know that some of these things could be fossils? Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived a long time ago.
Hey guys, Claire the Square here! Did you know that Dinosaurs were huge creatures that lived on Earth a long, long time ago, way before humans were around. Some of them were as tall as a house and as heavy as a truck!
I’ve just discovered Geysers – they are like hot springs that shoot water high into the sky! They are some of the most amazing natural wonders on earth.
I’m so fascinated by animals! Today I wanted to talk about Sharks – one of the most feared and misunderstood creatures in the ocean. Sharks are cartilaginous fish, which means they have a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone.