ShapeShire Shorts – Book #1

4.99 $

We love helping children explore the world and broaden their horizons and we try to do so through storytelling and humor.

ShapeShire Shorts is a series of short tidbits of information about geometry and shapes. These are great for starting a quick talk with your kids about these topics and are very simple and to the point. I hope you find them useful!

Your favorite ShapeShire characters will provide your children with daily tidbits of geometry related facts, definitions, and idioms. The book features Scott the Dot, Claire the Square, Urkle the Circle, Caroline the Curvy Line, King Starthur, and of course the Mayor of ShapeShire.



We love helping children explore the world and broaden their horizons and we try to do so through storytelling and humor.

ShapeShire Shorts is a series of short tidbits of information about geometry and shapes. These are great for starting a quick talk with your kids about these topics and are very simple and to the point. I hope you find them useful!

Your favorite ShapeShire characters will provide your children with daily tidbits of geometry related facts, definitions, and idioms. The book features Scott the Dot, Claire the Square, Urkle the Circle, Caroline the Curvy Line, King Starthur, and of course the Mayor of ShapeShire.


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